Tips for Welders: How to Prepare for the Summer

With summer just around the corner, 
it is time to prepare yourself for welding in the summer heat.
Here are some tips on what you can do to cope with high temperatures while on the job.

The most important tip is to stay hydrated.
It is crucial that the welder keeps himself hydrated by drinking as much water as he can to avoid dehydration, which can lead to heat exhaustion and feeling of energy drain as well as disorientation. Symptoms include confusion and blurred vision to shortness of breath. It can even cause your skin to stop producing sweat.
The biggest risk is heat stroke. Symptoms include pale skin, and even passing out. 

The second tip is to use cooling bands. Cooling bands are great tools to use to prevent heat exhaustion. Lightweight commercial cooling bands as well as cooling belts help keep the head and core cool by routing cool air where it's needed most. Products like these are made specifically for workers in the welding industry, which means they provide great protection against heat without limiting the welder's freedom of motion and ability to get the job done safely.

The last tip is to wear clothing that is sweat absorbent. Wearing proper gear is crucial for welders because they are exposed to environments where it is easy for clothing to catch on fire. Welders need to make sure they're wearing clothing that is flame retardant and sweat absorbing for the summer months. Lightweight, breathable materials help cool the body naturally by letting air hit the skin more directly. This decreases the risk of overheating and sweating. Also, fabrics that are capable of absorbing or wicking away sweat help reduce the risks of sweat and electrocution. When searching for summer welding clothes, be sure to look for ones that are sweat-proof.

Check out Kamelo's Summer Welding Jacket:
Kamelo Welding Jacket (for summer)

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